Ancient City Pools and Design

Ancient City Pools & Design (ACPD), a leader in creating customized pool and outdoor living experiences, sought to expand their brand footprint and drive increased engagement through a more robust digital marketing strategy. To achieve this, ACPD partnered with Mindful Solutions St. Augustine (MSSA) to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy that included website enhancements, on-page and off-page SEO improvements, social media management, content development, and a paid digital effort. By leveraging these tactics, ACPD was able to optimize their online platform, attract new customers, and ultimately boost sales. This case study explores the strategic approach, and detailed actions implemented to realize these goals.

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Glacier Heating & Air Conditioning

In November 2023, Glacier Heating & Air Conditioning (GHAC) partnered with Mindful Solutions St. Augustine (MSSAFL) to expand their marketing efforts and enhance their digital presence go drive business growth. The primary objectives of this engagement were to optimize GHAC’s digital strategy across multiple channels, including their corporate website, social media platforms, Google advertising, and email communications. Download the Case Study

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