Navy Veteran, Sharon Cunningham has extensive experience in accounting and payroll, and currently provides a national marketing firm with comptroller services and strategic guidance in the financial management of their firm. She has also been a small business owner, which when combined with her accounting and creative firm experience has been a driving force in building Mindful Solutions.

“What sets Mindful Solutions apart from other firms is the work ethic and service-driven approach that comes with being a veteran,” says Cunningham. “And this is what we bring to our clients.”

After enlisting, Sharon became the 2nd female Silent Drill Team member ever, attached to the U.S. Navy Presidential Honor Guard in Washington, DC. After her service ended, she used her GI Bill benefits to attend a business school for accounting, which allowed her to start a career and support her family. She is the mother of two children, one of which is a 2020 West Point graduate on his own path of military service. 

Sharon is a Reiki practitioner, and she and her Shih Tzu (“Reiki”) are certified Hospice and pet therapy volunteers. In her free time, she is a beekeeper, organic gardener, and motorcycle enthusiast.

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